The Inspiring Journey of Chiara Flos: Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Success


Chiara Flos is a remarkable individual who has been able to overcome significant challenges in her life to achieve great success. Born with a rare genetic disorder, Chiara has faced many obstacles, including physical limitations and discrimination, but she refused to let these challenges hold her back. Instead, she has used her experiences to inspire others and make a positive impact on the world.

Early Life

Chiara was born in Italy in 1981 with a rare genetic disorder known as osteogenesis imperfecta, or brittle bone disease. This condition left her bones fragile and made it difficult for her to move around without assistance. Despite this, Chiara was determined to live a full and active life. She developed a passion for music and became an accomplished pianist by the age of 10.

Education and Career

Chiara went on to study at the University of Pisa, where she earned a degree in communications. She then began working as a journalist and went on to win several awards for her work. In 2010, she founded her own media company, which focused on promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Activism and Advocacy

Throughout her career, Chiara has been a vocal advocate for people with disabilities. She has served on numerous advisory boards and committees, working to promote equal rights and accessibility for disabled individuals. In 2017, she was appointed to the European Commission’s Expert Group on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.


In addition to her advocacy work, Chiara is also a philanthropist. She founded the Chiara Flos Foundation, which provides education and support to families affected by osteogenesis imperfecta. She also volunteers with numerous other organizations, including the Italian Osteogenesis Imperfecta Association and the Special Olympics.

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