Snoopy de Flos: The Story of a Playful Lamp with a Heartwarming Tale


Snoopy de Flos is not just a lamp, it is an iconic piece of design that has won the hearts of many. Designed by the Italian brand Flos and inspired by the much-loved comic strip character Snoopy, the whimsical lamp adds a touch of playfulness and nostalgia to any space. In this article, we will delve into the history and design of Snoopy de Flos and discover the heartwarming tale behind it.

The History of Snoopy de Flos

Snoopy de Flos was introduced in 1967 when Flos commissioned the renowned Italian industrial designer Achille Castiglioni to design a lamp for them. Castiglioni was known for his innovative and playful designs, and he looked to the Peanuts comic strip by Charles M. Schulz for inspiration. The character Snoopy, a beloved beagle, caught his eye and his imagination, and he set about creating a lamp in his image.

The result was Snoopy de Flos, a playful and enchanting lamp that captures the essence of the beloved cartoon character. The lamp’s iconic shape, with its conical hat and the playful tilt of its head, is instantly recognizable to fans of the comic strip.

The Design of Snoopy de Flos

Snoopy de Flos is made from high-quality materials, including a heavy marble base and a lacquered aluminum lampshade. The lamp’s iconic hat is made from heat-resistant plastic, adding to its playful charm. The lamp emits a soft and warm light, thanks to its internal reflector, which directs the light downwards and keeps it from being too harsh.

The lamp’s base is not merely functional, it is also an integral part of the design. The marble base adds stability to the lamp and gives it a sense of weight and permanence. The lamp’s playful design is juxtaposed with the solidity and durability of the base, making it a truly unique and captivating piece of design.

The Heartwarming Tale of Snoopy de Flos

Snoopy de Flos is not just a lamp, it is a heartwarming tale of friendship and creativity. The lamp was designed as a tribute to the character Snoopy, who was known for his playful and adventurous spirit. Snoopy de Flos embodies the same spirit of playfulness and creativity, inviting people to smile, dream, and imagine.

One of the most heartwarming stories surrounding Snoopy de Flos involves a young girl named Lucy. Lucy was a fan of the Peanuts comic strip and had always loved Snoopy. When she discovered the Snoopy de Flos lamp, she was overjoyed and begged her parents to buy it for her.

The lamp became her constant companion, and she would often sit and read under its warm glow. When Lucy fell ill, the lamp became a source of comfort and companionship for her. She would talk to it, imagining it was Snoopy himself, and the lamp would respond with its warm and gentle light.

Years later, Lucy came across the lamp in a store and was immediately transported back to her childhood. She bought the lamp and keeps it in her home, where it continues to bring her joy and happiness.

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